Inner Power Books Back on Sale in Treasure Shopping Mall Starting from Feb. 1


Greetings, heroes!
The Inner Power Books will be back on sale in the Treasure Shopping Mall starting from Feb. 1. Please check out the details below.
Inner Power Books Back On Sale


New Price



Dragon Quietus Scroll (B)

$399.99 Use to acquire Dragon Quietus Scroll. It requires x Potency Points to perfect this Inner Power. Feb. 1 to Mar. 31

The Essence Of Yang (B)

$69.99 After reading it to acquire the Essence of Yang, every time you level up, you will increase P-Attack and M-Attack by 100 points, and P-Strike and M-Strike by 1% in addition if you reach level 11. Feb. 1 to Mar. 31

The Essence Of Ying (B)

$99.99 InnerPowerBooks After reading it to acquire the Essence of Yin, every time you level up, you will increase HP by 100 points, and P-Attack and M-Attack by 100 points in addition if you reach level 11. Feb. 1 to Mar. 31

Core Cohesion (B)

$79.99 Use it to acquire Core Cohesion. It requires 90,000 Potency Points to perfect this Inner Power. Feb. 1 to Mar. 31

Azure Spirit (B)

$79.99 Use it to acquire Azure Spirit. It requires 90,000 Potency Points to perfect this Inner Power. Feb. 1 to Mar. 31

Fatal Verdict (B)

$49.99 Use it to acquire Fatal Verdict. It requires 90,000 Potency Points to perfect this Inner Power. Feb. 1 to Mar. 31