Various Inner Power Boxes Will Be on Sale from Oct. 31st to Nov. 13th!



Duration: Oct. 31st to Nov. 13th

NPC: Daisy in Twin City (448,360)

1. There are various Inner Power Boxes on sale at NPC Daisy. You can get not only flowers, but also Love Letters, Animae, Inner Power Books and other great items!

Box Description Price (CPs)
Beloved Candy Pack Open to get 69 Halloween Candies, and a random reward from 99 Kisses/99 Love Letters/99 Tins Of Beer/99 Jades/P6 Anima. 69
Surprise Candy Pack Open to get 699 Halloween Candies, and a random reward from 999 Kisses/999 Love Letters/999 Tins Of Beer/999 Jades/P9 Anima. 699
Flower Anima Pack Open to get 69 Halloween Candies, and a random reward from 99 Orchids/99 Roses/99 Lilies/99 Tulips/P6 Anima. 69
Grand Flower Anima Pack Open to get 699 Halloween Candies, and a random reward from 999 Orchids/999 Roses/999 Lilies/999 Tulips/P9 Anima. 699
Rejuvenation Box Open to get 1 Rejuvenation Book (B), 8 Halloween Night Boxes, 1 +8 Stone (B), 6 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 50000 Potency Points, 1 30-day Garment Mad Night of Fear, 1 30-day Mount Celestial Crane, and 39447 Halloween Candies. 39,999
Meridian Box Open to get 1 Meridian Breakthrough (B), 2 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 3 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 15000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Stunning Grace (Dazzle), 1 7-day Garment Holy Light (Eternal), and 6861 Halloween Candies. 6,999
Power Unleashing Box Open to get 1 Power Unleashing (B), 4 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 4 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 15000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Spooky Phantom (Feast), 1 7-day Garment Holy Light (Eternal), and 9723 Halloween Candies. 9,999
Joy Park Box Open to get 1 Joy Inner Powe Book (B), 2 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 3 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 15000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Holy Light (Eternal), 1 7-day Garment Stunning Grace (Dazzle), and 6861 Halloween Candies. 6,999
Dragon Manual Box Open to get 1 Dragon Manual (B), 3 Halloween Night Boxes, 1 +6 Stone (B), 5000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Golden Slumber (Glory), 1 7-day Garment Magpie Fairy (Beloved), and 2492 Halloween Candies. 2,699
Blade Manual Box Open to get 1 Blade Manual (B), 2 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 3 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 15000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Fantasy Ball (Diamond), 1 7-day Garment Stunning Grace (Dazzle), and 6861 Halloween Candies. 6,999
Ace Spirits Note Box Open to get 1 Ace Spirits Note (B), 4 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 4 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 15000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Frozen Crest (Snow), 1 7-day Garment Spooky Phantom (Feast), and 9723 Halloween Candies. 9,999
The Essence Of Yang Box Open to get 1 The Essence Of Yang (B), 4 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 2 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 20000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Indigo Dream (Fantasy), 1 7-day Garment Frozen Crest (Snow), and 7723 Halloween Candies. 7,999
The Essence Of Yin Box Open to get 1 The Essence Of Yin (B), 4 Halloween Night Boxes, 2 +6 Stones (B), 4 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 15000 Potency Points, 1 7-day Garment Fantasy Ball (Diamond), 1 7-day Garment Indigo Dream (Fantasy), and 9723 Halloween Candies. 9,999
Dragon Quiet Scroll Box Open to get 1 Dragon Quiet Scroll (B), 8 Halloween Night Boxes, 1 +8 Stone (B), 6 2-day Radiant Star Stones (B), 50000 Potency Points, 1 30-day Garment Snow Serenity (Pride), 1 30-day Mount Bone Chewer, and 39447 Halloween Candies. 39,999

Halloween Night Box: Open to choose 1 Beloved Candy Pack/1 Flower Anima Pack.


2. For every 1 CP paid for the Boxes, you can get 1 Halloween Candy, which can be exchanged for good rewards. The Halloween Candies will expire at 23:59 Nov. 13th.

Item Halloween Candies Required Limit
30-day Hairstyle Night of Fear (B) 300 None
3-day Spooky Phantom (Feast) (B) 500 None
3-day Frozen Crest (Snow) (B) 500 None
3-day Holy Light (Eternal) (B) 500 None
3-day Golden Slumber (Glory) (B) 500 None
Universal Rune Essence *10 500 10
+5 Stone (B) 1,000 10
3,000 Potency Points 2,000 10
Changeable Garment Pack 2,000 None
30-day Wings Frosty Plume (B) 5,000 3
30-day Wings Celestial Wings (B) 5,000 3
30-day Silent Wings (B) 5,000 3
30,000 Potency Points 10,000 10
Permanent Frost Phoenix Wings (B) 200,000 1 per server