Purchase Rare Items at Incredible Discounts in Secret Shop



Duration: Oct. 22 - 31

Requirement: 1st Rebirth Level 80+

NPC: Kaspar at Twin City (458,349)


The Mystery Dealer has once again visited Twin City, offering rare items at incredible discounts. The quantities are limited, so hurry and make your purchase!




Super Slate Fragment *1

1299 CPs

Total limit for a character: 50

P5 Enigma Page *1

619 CPs

Total limit for a character: 50

30%-off Resonance Box

(Open to receive 10 Resonance Stones.)

699 CPs

Daily limit: 1

20%-off Resonance Box

(Open to receive 10 Resonance Stones.)

799 CPs

Daily limit: 1

10%-off Resonance Box

(Open to receive 10 Resonance Stones.)

899 CPs

Daily limit: 1